12 APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector Installation Guide for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
3. If adding a new data collector, in the Data Collector Administration window, click Add
Collector to display the Data Collector Properties window, as shown below.
Create a relevant Collector Name and Passcode, to be used when accessing the Data
Collector that you are configuring.
Click OK. Once you have added the Data Collector, you will configure the policy by
adding children, as described in the next step.
4. If you are adding a child to an existing policy, make sure that the collector name is selected
in the Data Collector Administration window and then click Add Child.
5. Select Product Type—in this case, TSM—and then click Next.
6. Specify Child Data Collector Properties.
Field Description Sample Values
Collector Name* A unique name assigned to this Data Collector.
The Data Collector will use this value for
authentication purposes.
Passcode* A passcode assigned to this Data Collector. It can
be any character sequence.
Note: Unlike other StorageConsole passwords (which
are encrypted and then saved) this Data Collector
passcode is not encrypted prior to saving in the
StorageConsole database and may appear in clear case
in certain files. It simply is intended as a “handshake”
identification between the data collector and the policy.