30 APTARE StorageConsole Data Collector Installation Guide for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
List Data Collector Configurations
Use this utility to list the various child threads and their configurations encapsulated
within a data collector configuration. This utility can be used in conjunction with other
scripts, such as checkinstall.[sh|bat].
On Unix:
On Windows:
Example Output
[root@aptarelab1 bin]# ./listcollectors.sh
Below are the list of Data Collectors defined in
Collector Id: aptarelab1_emc_clariion
Collector Passcode: aptare
URL: http://aptareagent.aptaredev2
==== Meta Collectors ====
Meta Collector Id: META_hostResource_10
Domain: aptaredev2
Group Id: 100000
Active: true
Active: true
Payload Id: Windows
Schedule: */30 * * * *
Active: true
Task: com.aptare.core.hostResource.HostResourceChildThread||Capacity
Payload Id: Unix
Schedule: */30 * * * *
Meta Collector Id: META_172.16.1.22_8
Domain: aptaredev2
Group Id: 100000
Server Id: 100003
Active: true