IBM NH2025-10 Switch User Manual

Using the Command Line Interface
command ‘get-c’ not found
Commands matching <get-c>
get-comm show current read or/and write community
get-con-matrix retrieves the VLAN connectivity matrix
get-colls-cnt gets the collision distribution counters per port
Retrieving Command History
The CLI allows you to retrieve a history of the last commands you have issued. Use the
following keys to retrieve commands:
<!> or Ctrl/P Retrieves the last command in the command history.
Ctrl/W Deletes the previous word.
Ctrl/U Erases the entire current line.
<Tab> Completes the command when a partial unique command is provided.
NOTE: If after entering a key sequence, more than one screen-full of text is to be printed, you
can continue to scroll through the text by hitting any key or you can stop the process by hitting
the Esc key.
System related commands
sys-stat show system status
get-stst-level show the selftest level
set-stst-level change the selftest level
warm-reset warm reset of the device
cold-reset cold reset of the device
get-last-err displays information about the last fatal error
init-nvram initialize NVRAM to default values
get-sw-file retrieves the SNMP Agent Software file name
set-sw-file sets the SNMP Agent Software file name - for download
get-tftp-srvr retrieves the TFTP download server IP address
set-tftp-srvr sets the TFTP download server IP address
set-tftp-mode sets the TFTP download mode
get-tftp-mode retrieves the TFTP download mode
sw-dnld software download BY TFTP
set-fg-param sets the Ethernet frame generator parameters
start-fg starts the Ethernet frame generator
stop-fg stop the Ethernet frame generator