Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
6. Disagreements with a Case Decision
5. EBT Questions (to obtain more detailed EBT account information from JP M
• Peak usage of the Call Center system usually occurs on Mondays, the day after a holiday
ur question for a Call
d can be accessed at
or listen to Frequently
• If you are a V-CAN member or calling from an outside agency, make sure to use the Third
Party Inquiry option. On the Call Center main menu, select “8” for More Options, and then “5”
to access the Third Party Inquiry.
and weekday mornings. Please keep these times in mind when yo
Center Representative is not time-sensitive.
• The automated system is not impacted by these peak usage times an
any time to check case status, report changes, find a local DFR office
Asked Questions.
V-CAN User Guide 25 vcan@us.ibm.com