Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
2 Referral Mem4.1. ber Materials
Referral M lients with information on the ways to apply for and manage
lowing materials to post in their offices and
omplete the application and distribute to clients;
with the toll-free number and website address;
Postcards with tips on applying for benefits; and
Magnets to distribute to clients.
Figure 13: Referral Member Materials
NOTE: All materials, with the exception of the pen, are available in both English and Spanish.
4.1.3 How to Order Client Support Materials
V-CAN members can request client support materials by completing and submitting the Material
Request Form (MRF). The MRF can be found at www.in.gov/fssa
embers provide applicants and c
their public assistance. Referral Members will receive the fol
distribute to clients:
Posters to hang in o
Pens to c
Business Cards
V-CAN User Guide 27 vcan@us.ibm.com
, click “Eligibility Modernization” and
“Communications” and can be returned by mail, FAX or e-mail (vcan@us.ibm.com
) to the IBM-led
Pen & Pen Content
Are you applying for public assistan
Visit www.in.gov/fssa
or call 1-8XX-XXX-XXXX
Postcard (8x5)
Poster (18x24)
Magnets or
Business Cards (2x3½)
Pen & Pen Content
Are you applying for public assistan
Visit www.in.gov/fssa
or call 1-8XX-XXX-XXXX
Are you applying for public assistan
Visit www.in.gov/fssa
or call 1-8XX-XX
Magnets or
Business Cards (2x3½)
Poster (18x24)
Postcard (8x5)