Intel Desktop Board D810EMO/MO810E Technical Product Specification
4.3 Main Menu
To access this menu, select Main on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Advanced Security Power Boot Exit
Table 46 describes the Main menu. This menu reports processor and memory information and is
for configuring the system date and system time.
Table 46. Main Menu
Feature Options Description
BIOS Version No options Displays the version of the BIOS.
Processor Type No options Displays processor type.
Processor Speed No options Displays processor speed.
System Bus
No options Displays the host bus frequency.
Cache RAM No options Displays the size of second-level cache.
Total Memory No options Displays the total amount of RAM on the board.
Memory Bank 0 No options Displays type of DIMM installed.
Language English Displays the current language.
Processor Serial
• Disabled (default)
• Enabled
When enabled, displays the processor’s serial number.
(Not supported by all processor types and speeds.)
System Time Hour, minute, and
Specifies the current time.
System Date Day of the week,
month, day, and year
Specifies the current date.