Intel IQ80333 Computer Hardware User Manual

56 Customer Reference Board Manual
Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor
Getting Started and Debugger
B.2.2 Software Setup
MGC Code|Lab is a plug-in to Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, therefore Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
must already be loaded on the system. To load MGC Code|Lab, run setup.exe under the program
Note: Do not install over an old version of MGC Code|Lab. When necessary, uninstall Code|Lab with
Add/Remove programs under the Control Panel before reinstalling.
To view the soft copies of document, Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed. The latest version can be
downloaded at (
Figure 15. Software Flow Diagram
Application Code
MGC Code|Lab
Macraigor DLL
Loads into Memory
Debug Monitor Code
Resides in the Flash
Evaluation Board