Evaluation Board Manual 5-7
MON960 Support for IQ80960RM/RN sysFindPCIDevice
This function returns the location of PCI devices that have a specific Device ID and Vendor ID.
Given a Vendor ID, a Device ID, and an Index, the function returns the Bus Number, Device
Number, and Function Number of the Nth Device/Function whose Vendor ID and Device ID match
the input parameters.
Calling software can find all devices having the same Vendor ID and Device ID by making
successive calls to this function starting with the index set to “0”, and incrementing the index until
the function returns DEVICE_NOT_FOUND. A return value of BAD_VENDOR_ID indicates that
the Vendor ID value passed had a value of all “1”s.
Calling convention:
int sysFindPCIDevice (
int device_id,
int vendor_id,
int index
Return values:
This function returns SUCCESSFUL if the indicated device is located, DEVICE_NOT_FOUND if
the indicated device cannot be located, or BAD_VENDOR_ID if the vendor_id value is illegal. sysFindPCIClassCode
This function returns the location of PCI devices that have a specific Class Code. Given a Class
Code and an Index, the function returns the Bus Number, Device Number, and Function Number of
the Nth Device/Function whose Class Code matches the input parameters.
Calling software can find all devices having the same Class Code by making successive calls to
this function starting with the index set to “0”, and incrementing the index until the function returns
Calling convention:
int sysFindPCIClassCode (
int class_code,
int index
Return values:
This function returns SUCCESSFUL when the indicated device is located, or
DEVICE_NOT_FOUND when the indicated device cannot be located.