Intel PCA-6175 Computer Hardware User Manual

PCA-6175 User's Manual
1.13 Mounting the CPU and Cooling Modules
The Pentium
II is a module-type CPU which runs at high speeds, for
exampe 233 ~ 333 MHz, so the cooling mechanism becomes critical
for system reliability. There are two types of cooling methods: one
with a cooling fan attached to the heat sink of the Pentium
II module,
the other with a huge heat sink without any cooling fan attached.
Both cooling methods for the Pentium II require a "retention module"
to firmly fix the Pentium
II CPU to slot 1. The following Figures 1-4
through 1-6 illustrate the steps involved in mounting the retention
module and installing the CPU and cooling modules.
Step 1
Figure 1-4: Mounting CPU and cooling modules - Step 1