Intel XP-P4S8X-VM Computer Hardware User Manual

n System After AC BACK
Allows user to select system status when power is removed and returned.
Options: Off (Always in off state when AC back)
On (Always power on system when AC back)
Laststate (System power on depends on the status before AC lost)
n IRQ [3-7, 9-15], NMI
When IRQ [3-7, 9-15] or NMI triggered, the suspend timer will be reloaded to prevent
system gets into green mode. (default:Enabled)
n ModemRingOn
To use this feature, an Ethernet card supporting the PCI2.2 or newer standard must be
used. (default:Enabled)
n PME Event Wake Up
Allows user to select the Power Management Event (PME) wake up function which
requires the system to have a +5VSB power supply using a rate of 1A or less.
n Power On by Keyboard
Allows user to turn on system using the keyboard.
Options: Password (input an 8 character long password)
Any Key (power on by any key)
Disabled (default:Disabled)
n Power On by Mouse
Allows user to turn on system using the mouse. (default:Disabled)
n Resume by Alarm
If set to Enabled, the user can set the date and time for automatic system power-on.
Settings: Month Alarm : NA, 1~12
Date (of Month) Alarm : Everyday, 1~31
Time (hh: mm: ss) Alarm : (0~23) : (0~59) : (0~59)
n Power LED in S1 state
Allows user to select the system LED status in the S1 (POS - Power On Suspend) state.
Options: Blinking (LED will blink)
Dual/OFF (When selecting this, the LED will turn off for a single-colored LED
or change color for a dual-colored LED)(default:Blinking)