Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Procedure Guide, R7.0
November 2005
Appendix A CTC Information and Shortcuts
Manage the CTC Window
CTC Mouse Options
In addition to the CTC menu bar and toolbar, you can invoke actions by double-clicking CTC window
items with your mouse, or by right-clicking an item and choosing actions from shortcut menus.
Table A-4 lists the CTC window mouse shortcuts.
— Network Scope — Displays the selected network scope. The network view drop-down list has three
options: DWDM, TDM, or All. If you choose DWDM, only DWDM nodes
appear on the network view map. If you choose TDM, only TDM nodes appear
on the network view map. If you choose All, every node on the network appears
on the network view map.
— Link Filter Opens the Link Filter dialog box, which allows you to choose which link classes
display on the nondetail network map. The available classes vary according to
the selected network scope:
• ALL—DCC, GCC, OTS, PPC, server trail
• TDM—DCC, PPC, server trail
— — Opens the Collapse/Expand Links dialog box, which allows you to globally
expand or consolidate network view links based on link type.
— — Opens the CTC Alerts dialog box, which shows the status of certain CTC
background tasks. When the CTC Alerts toolbar icon contains a red triangle,
unread notifications exist. When there are no unread notifications, the CTC
Alerts toolbar icon contains a gray triangle. Notifications include:
• Network disconnection
• Send-PDIP inconsistency—CTC discovers a new node that does not have a
SEND-PDIP setting consistent with the login node.
• Circuit deletion status—The alert appears when the circuit deletion process
completes if you choose “Notify when complete” as described in the
“NTP-D288 Modify and Delete Overhead Circuits and Server Trails”
procedure on page 7-4. The CTC Alerts window always reports circuit
deletion errors.
• Conditions retrieval error
• Software download failure
You can save a notification by clicking the Save button in the CTC Alerts dialog
box and navigating to the directory where you want to save the text file.
By default, the CTC Alerts dialog box appears automatically. To disable
automatic popup, see the “DLP-D25 Configure the CTC Alerts Dialog Box for
Automatic Popup” task on page 17-20.
Table A-3 CTC Menu and Toolbar Options (continued)
Menu Menu Option Toolbar Description