Using Easy Config
May 2000 3-7
Ink Depletion - The value you set determines the amount of ink that is
applied to the media. The normal value is 100 percent. Decreasing the
value can cause image quality problems.
Note: The normal value is 100 percent. Decreasing the value can cause
image quality problems. Setting the Ink Depeletion for 100% is
adequate for most conditions.
Cut Media - Select this check box if you want the printer to cut the media
after printing.
Note: Certain types of media, such as EI canvas, can not be cut due to the
thickness of the media.
Dry Time - Enter a value for how long the printer waits before cutting in
the Dry Time field.
Connection Type - Select the type of connection the printer has to your
host computer in the Connection Type list.
Parallel Port - Select the local port to be used if the printer is connected
using a parallel port.
IP Address - Enter the IP address for the printer if it has a network
Updating Media Files
Adding New Media on the Media Tab
1. Click Add Media.