Konica Minolta 360 All in One Printer User Manual

Delete document in public user box
In an era of “changing information” it is useful for the end-user to understand how easy
it is to delete existing documents in the public user boxes.
1. T o uch Box
2. Touch Public User Box
3. Touch box that contains document that is to be deleted.
4. Touch under “Document Name” the document that is to be deleted.
5. Touch
Mode Memory
The two major applications for mode memory are: 1st as a selling tool especially during
a client demonstration. The sales person can program specific jobs that may require multi
steps to “Demo” a specific job parameter; into a one touch. All the multi job parameters;
paper size, duplex mode, staple etc can be programmed into a “one touch” and that job
can be named for easy recall. This is often referred to as a “Demo in a Box” because
it renders seemingly complicated jobs into a simple operation.
Also secondly, this Mode Memory feature can for the customer streamline their current
copying operations. Frequently used end-user jobs with multi-steps can be pre-programmed
for easy access and easy output.
Set up job parameters of: 2:2 duplexing, 8.5” x 14” paper size and corner staple and then…
1. T o uch Memory Mode , Program Registration
2. Input Memo 123 as the program name , OK
bizhub 500
360 Copy Job Shops