Konica Minolta C10P Printer User Manual

Software Utilities CD-ROM
PPD Files
" For details on the installation of the Windows printer drivers, refer to
the bizhub C10P Installation Guide on the Documentation CD-ROM.
Operating System Use/Benefit
Macintosh OS 9/X These files are required in order to
use the printer driver for each operat
ing system.
For details of the Macintosh and Linux
printer drivers, refer to the bizhub
C10P Reference Guide on the Docu-
mentation CD-ROM.
Utility Use/Benefit
Download Manager
(Windows XP/Server 2003/2000/NT
4.0, Macintosh OS 10.2.x or later)
This utility, which can be used only if
the optional hard disk is installed,
enables fonts and overlay data to be
downloaded to the printer hard disk.
For details, refer to the Download
Managers online help for all of the
Crown Print Monitor for Windows Using the TCP/IP protocol, print jobs
can be sent directly to the printer. For
details, refer to the bizhub C10P Ref
erence Guide on the Documentation
Status Monitor (Windows only) The current status of the printer in
addition to the status of consumables
and error information can be viewed.
For details, refer to “Using the Status
Monitor (Windows Only)” on page 19.