Kramer Electronics VP-81 K Network Cables User Manual

30 VP-81K - Kramer Protocol
11.2.2 Command Part Details
Sequence of ASCII letters ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z' and '-').
Command will separate from parameters with at least single space.
Sequence of Alfa-Numeric ASCII chars ('0'-'9','A'-'Z','a'-'z' and some special chars for specific commands),
parameters will be separated by commas.
Message string:
Every command must to be entered as part of message string that begin with message starting char and end
with message closing char, note that string can contain more then one command separated by pipe ("|") char.
Message starting character:
'#' for host command\query.
'~' for machine response.
Device address (optional, for K-Net):
K-Net Device ID follow by '@' char.
Query sign = '?', will follow after some commands to define query request.
Message closing char =
Host messages - Carriage Return (ASCII 13), will be referred to by CR in this document.
Machine messages - Carriage Return (ASCII 13) + Line-Feed (ASCII 10), will be referred to by CRLF.
Spaces between parameters or command parts will be ignored.
Command chain separator char:
When message string contains more than one command, commands will be separated by pipe ("|").
Command entering:
If terminal software used to connect over serial \ ethernet \ USB port, that possible to directly enter all
commands characters (CR will be entered by Enter key, that key send also LF, but this char will be ignored
by commands parser).
Sending commands from some controllers (like Crestron) require coding some characters in special form (like
\X##). Anyway, there is a way to enter all ASCII characters, so it is possible to send all commands also from
(Similar way can use for URL \ Telnet support that maybe will be added in future).
Command forms:
Some commands have short name syntax beside the full name to allow faster typing, response is always in
long syntax.
Command chaining:
It is possible to enter multiple commands in same string by '|' char (pipe).
In this case the message starting char and the message closing char will be entered just one time, in the string
beginning and at the end.
All the commands in string will not execute until the closing char will be entered.
Separate response will be sent for every command in the chain.
Input string max length:
64 characters.
Backward support:
Design note: transparent supporting for protocol 2000 will be implemented by switch protocol command from
protocol 3000 to protocol 2000, in protocol 2000 there is already such a command to switch protocol to ASCII
protocol (#56 : H38 H80 H83 H81).
Help Commands
Command Syntax Response
Protocol Handshaking #CR ~OKCRLF
Device Initiated Messages
Command Syntax
Start message Kramer Electronics LTD. , Device
Model Version Software Version