Announcing Lexmark X854e MFP 5
network using the optional Lexmark Document
Distributor software
• Account number, name, or fax number can be
entered to interactively distribute paper and digital
standard version 1.5 or earlier. PDF files with restricted
printing permissions or encryption are not supported.
monochrome scan unit (black,
ob Setup
y Quantity -- set number of copies from 1 to 999
riginal only once
documents at up to 55 scans per minute in
x – copies on one or two sides of
1 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 1 or 2 to 2
Predefined choices can be listed to simplify
repetitive manual processes and reduce errors
Ethernet 10/100BaseTX
Optional Network Connections
The following internal network option may be installed in
the single available ISP slot.
• Optional RS-232-C Serial Card
Direct USB Printing and Scanning
Direct USB connectivity allows individuals to print or
scan PDF, TIFF, and JPEG files directly to the MFP
using an approved USB flash memory device. Through
the MFP’s USB Direct interface located on the MFP
operator panel, a user can simply insert the USB flash
memory device, select the appropriate file and choose to
print or scan the file on this specific MFP.
Direct USB requires a supported USB flash memory
device. Lexmark has tested and approved the following
USB flash memory devices.
• Lexar JumpDrive 2.0 Pro (256MB, 512MB, 1GB)
• SanDisk Cruzer mini (256MB, 512MB, 1GB)
Note: Testing of these devices does not imply endorsement of
these specific brands.
While other USB flash drives have not been tested and
therefore cannot be approved by Lexmark, these
products may function if the storage device meets the
following qualifications:
• Supports the USB 2.0 specification, specifically
supporting the Full-Speed mode
• Use the FAT file system
In addition to the above hardware requirements, PDF
files used with Direct USB printing must support PDF
Optional External Network Connections
• 802.11g Wireless Print Adapter – uses Ethernet
S anner Features
Up to 55 ppmy
simplex scanning)
y Color scanning at up to 27.5 ppm
Automatic 2-sided scanning
Lexmark MFP Utilities CD
Maximum optical scan resolu
¾ Black: 600 x 600 dpi
¾ Color: 600 x 300 dpi
y Cop
-- sc
ans o
y Special Copy
Media -- select copy media loaded in
the printer
Reduce or Enlarge -- scale
image output from 25%
to 400%
Image Length
or Width -- scale the image output
from 25% to 400%
Paper Sa
y ver – select 2-up or 4-up output from
portrait or landscape
y Date and Time Stamp -- puts the date and time
the top of each copy page
y Message Overlay -- adds a watermark (copy, draft,
urgent, or confidential) to each page
Qu lity
Automatic image processing – scans si
and 27.5 scans per minute in color
y Lighter or Darker -- adjusts the copy output darkne
Edge Erase -- eliminates smudges or information
around the edge of the original document
y Content -- sets the scanner mode for text, mixed o
photo or printed image
y Grayscale: Optimizes image for shades of gray
y Select bit depth
y Simplex or Duple
sheet – copy
Advanced Duplex -- capability available to set
binding for landscape or portrait input and output
y Collate -- electronically collates copy output
y Separator Page -- adds a separator page between
each copy set
y Staple and Hole Punch -- with the finisher installed,
copies can be stapled and hole punched
LEX05-250 Lexmark Confidential Until Announce