Menu item Description
Factory Defaults
Do Not Restore
Restore Now
Returns the printer settings to the factory default settings
• Do Not Restore is the factory default setting. Do Not
Restore keeps the user-defined settings.
• Restore Now returns all printer settings to the factory
default settings except Network/Ports menu settings. All
downloads stored in RAM are deleted. Downloads stored
in flash memory or on a printer hard disk are not affected.
Custom Home Message
IP Address
Contact Name
Zero Configuration Name
Custom Text 1
Sets a pre-configured or customized message to appear on the
display beside Ready
• Off is the factory default setting.
• IP address and Hostname are pre-configured messages.
• Contact Name, Location, Zero Configuration Name, and
Custom Text 1 are messages that can be customized by a
system support person.
Setup menu
Menu item Description
Printer Language
PCL Emulation
PS Emulation
Sets the default printer language
• PCL emulation uses a PCL interpreter for processing print
jobs. PostScript emulation uses a PS interpreter for
processing print jobs.
• PCL is the factory default printer language.
• Setting a printer language as the default does not prevent
a software program from sending print jobs that use
another printer language.
Job Waiting
Specifies that print jobs be removed from the print queue if
they require unavailable printer options or custom settings.
They are stored in a separate print queue, so other jobs print
normally. When the missing information and/or options are
obtained, the stored jobs print.
• Off is the factory default setting.
• This menu appears only if a non-Read Only printer hard
disk is installed. This requirement ensures that stored jobs
are not deleted if the printer loses power.
Understanding printer menus