LG Electronics N2R5 Network Hardware User Manual

Connect to Network Storage
Web Menu -> Configuration
-> Network Service Setting ->
Basic network setting ->
Click ‘General’ tab.
Network information is displayed.
Click on ‘Save’
Host Name : System name can be minimum of 3 to maximum of 12 characters.
Host Description : System description can be up the 24 characters.
- You can combine Alphabets(A-Z, a-z) , Numbers(0-9), and Hyphen(-).
- Numbers and hyphens can’t not be the first character.
- Special characters can’t be used.
e.g.) Usable name : LG-NAS, LGNAS-123
Unusable name : LG_NAS, -LGNAS, 123-LG, LG-#, LG/N
- You can combine Alphabets(A-Z, a-z), Numbers(0-9), Underscore(_), and Hyphen(-).
This setting only effects Windows Client.
You can set a name for LG Network Storage.
Network Setup l Setting Host Name