4 Installation Considerations
Install your Series 600T UPS in accordance with the submittal drawing package and the follow-
ing procedures.
A Liebert authorized representative must perform the initial system check-out and start-up to
ensure proper system operation. Equipment warranties will be voided unless system start-up is
performed by a Liebert authorized representative. Contact your local Liebert sales representative
or Liebert Global Services at 1-800-543-2378 to arrange for system start-up.
1. Proper planning will speed unloading, location, and connection of the UPS. Refer to
Figure 8 through Figure 58 and Appendix A - Site Planning Data.
2. Refer to information later in this manual regarding the optional Battery Cabinets and
Transformer Cabinets. Observe all battery safety precautions when working on or
near the battery.
3. Use the shortest output distribution cable runs possible, consistent with logical equipment
arrangements and with allowances for future additions if planned.
4. Recommended ambient operating temperature is 25°C (77°F). Relative humidity must be less
than 95%, non-condensing. Note that room ventilation is necessary, but air conditioning may
not be required. Maximum ambient operating temperature is 40°C (104°F) without derating.
The batteries should not exceed 25°C (77°F). At elevations above 4,000 feet (1219 meters)
derating may be required (consult your Liebert sales representative).
5. Even though your Liebert UPS unit is at least 93% efficient, the heat output is substantial.
For more specific information, see Appendix A - Site Planning Data. Be sure
environmental conditioning systems can accommodate this BTU load, even during utility
6. The routing (inside the facility) to the installation site, as well as the floor at the final
equipment location, must be capable of supporting the cabinet weight and the weight of any
moving equipment. The modules weigh up to 12,000 pounds. The battery cabinets weigh
between 3000 and 4900 pounds. The System Control Cabinets weigh between 1000 and 2550
pounds. Refer to Appendix A - Site Planning Data.
7. Plan the routing to ensure that the unit can move through all aisleways, doorways, and
around corners without risking damage. If the modules and batteries must be moved by
elevator, check the size of the door openings and the weight-carrying capacity of the elevator.
Read this manual thoroughly before attempting to wire or
operate the unit. Improper installation is the most significant
cause of UPS start-up problems.
Do not install this equipment near gas or electric heaters. It is
preferable to install the UPS in a restricted location to prevent
access by unauthorized personnel.