Installation 005
The software will automatically begin.
The window welcomes you to the
InstallShield Wizard for Bluetooth
006 Installation
Insert USB Bluetooth Adaptor Software CD
Please insert the USB Bluetooth Adaptor
software/application CD-Rom into your CD-Rom Drive.
The USB Bluetooth Adaptor is also referred to as a USB
Bluetooth Dongle.
Restart Computer
If your computer is on already, please restart before beginning installation.
Figure 1.1 Welcome to InstallShield
STEP 1 Software Installation
License Agreement
Read the license agreement, If you
accept, select the check button.
To continue, click
Ready to Begin
The software is ready to begin
installation for the WIDCOMM Bluetooth
To continue, click
Figure 1.2 WIDDCOMM Software
InstallShield Wizard
Figure 1.3 License Agreement
Installation 007