URL Blocking
You could enable URL blocking to deny the users from accessing the specified
URL. Add those specified URL in the text box.
Enable / Disable: Enable or Disable the URL blocking function of the WLAN
Add: Add the specific URL to the URL blocking list.
Delete: Selected a URL from the blocking list then click the Delete button to
remove the URL from the URL Blocking list.
IP Filters
This screen enables you to define a minimum and maximum IP address range
filter; all IP addresses falling in the range are not allowed Internet access. The IP
filter profiles are listed in the table at the bottom of the page. (Note: Click
anywhere in the item. Once the line is selected, the fields automatically load the
item's parameters, which you can edit.)
Enable: Click to enable or disable the IP address filter.
Range Start: Type the minimum address for the IP range. IP addresses falling
between this value and the Range End are not allowed to access the Internet.
Range End: Type the minimum address for the IP range. IP addresses falling
between this value and the Range Start are not allowed to access the Internet.
Add: Click to add the IP range to the table at the bottom of the screen.
Update: Click to update information for the range if you have selected a list item
and have made changes.
Delete: Select a list item and click Delete to remove the item from the list.
Clear: Click the Clear button to erase all fields and enter new information.