Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper 61
Custom Programs
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Custom Folders
Selection: Custom Program folder
Description: Specifies the UNC path for the folder to use when dis-
playing folders, files, and shortcuts available when the
user selects Programs from the Start menu. The user’s
profile Programs is an additional selection.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value Registry Data Description
Programs REG_ REG_SZ Off = value is removed; On = text of UNC path
to folder. Default = %USERPROFILE%\Start
Custom Desktop Icons
Category: Windows NT Shell
Subcategory: Custom Folders
Selection: Custom desktop icons
Description: Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use when dis-
playing the folders, files, and shortcuts the user receives
on the desktop.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value Registry Data Description
Desktop REG_SZ Off = value is removed; On = text of UNC path
to folder. Default =
Start Menu Subfolders
Category: Windows NT Shell