When projected images are
distorted to a trapezoid
To correct vertical keystone distortion, press the
KEYSTONE button on the projector or the remote
control to display KEYSTONE, and adjust the image by
pressing the , button (or VOLUME , button
on the remote control).
In the following cases:
Press the
button. Press the
• Inthekeystoneadjustment,youcanobtainan
optimum result when the LENS SHIFT dial is at the
factory default position. (See page 9.)
• Youcancorrecttheverticalkeystones.However,
their adjustment ranges are limited in such
• Whenthekeystoneadjustmentiscarriedout,the
adjustment value is indicated. Note that this value
doesn’t mean a projection angle.
• Theallowablerangeoftheadjustmentvaluein
the keystone adjustment varies depending on
the installation condition, input signal and aspect
settings in MENU.
• Whenthekeystoneadjustmenttakeseffect,the
resolution decreases. In addition, stripes may
appear or straight lines may bend in images with
complicated patterns. They are not due to product
• Noisemayappearonthescreenduringthe
keystone adjustment because of the type of the
video signal being projected and the setting values
of the keystone adjustment. In such cases, set the
keystone adjustment values in the range where the
image is displayed without noise.
• Whenthekeystoneadjustmentiscarriedout,the
image may not be displayed correctly because of
the type of input signal.
Preparation (continued)