Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel
MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
CALLBACK SECURITY. Use the à and Enter buttons to turn callback security on
or off. Same as the #DB0 and #DB1 commands. For more information about callback
security, see Chapter 6, “Callback Security.”
PASSWORD SETUP. Use to enter callback security passwords
in memory locations 1–30. Each password must be six to ten
characters in length. To scroll through a list of digits and charac-
ters, press the á
and â buttons. To go to the next position,
press the à button. To back up or to exit without saving, press
the à button several times. To save the password, press the
Enter button. Same as the #CBP= command.
CALLBACK NUMBER. Use to enter callback security phone
numbers in memory locations 1–30. Each number can be up to
30 characters long. Same as the #CBN= command. Note: Only 16
characters can be displayed at a time. To see characters 17–30,
press the â button. To go to the previous screen, press the ß but-
ton. To go to the next screen, press the à button.
S-REGISTER OPTIONS. Use the à, â, and Enter buttons to display the current
S-register values and enter new values. Same as the Sr? and Sr=n commands.
, and Enter
buttons to select the number of the S-register whose value you
want displayed. To scroll through a list of digits, press the á
and â buttons. To go to the next position, press the à button.
To back up or to exit without saving, press the à button sever-
al times. To display the value, press the Enter button. Same as
the Sr? command.
SET S-REGISTER. Use the à, â, á
, and Enter buttons to
select the number of the S-register whose value you want to
change, and the value you want to enter. To scroll through a list
of digits, press the á
and â buttons. To go to the next posi-
tion, press the à button. To back up or to exit without saving,
press the à button several times. Same as the Sr=n command.
MONITOR OPTIONS. Use the à, â, and Enter buttons to display line quality
and the line signal-to-noise ratio.
LINE QUALITY. Use the à and Enter buttons to display line
signal quality as a three-digit number. The higher order byte of
the EQM value is displayed. Based on the EQM value, retrain or
fallback/fall forward may be initiated if enabled by %E1 or
%E2. Same as the %Q command.
SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO. Use the à and Enter buttons to
display the line signal-to-noise ratio in dB.