User Guide
Command: Mn Monitor Speaker Mode
Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3
Default: 1
Description: M0 Speaker always off.
M1 Speaker on until carrier signal detected.
M2 Speaker always on when modem is off-hook.
M3 Speaker on until carrier is detected, except while
Command: Nn Modulation Handshake
Values: n = 0 or 1
Default: 1
Description: N0 Disables auto-mode (automatic modulation negotia-
tion); uses connection speed specified in S37. (Equiv-
alent to +MS <automode> subparameter to 0.)
N1 Enables auto-mode. (Equivalent to +MS <auto-
mode> subparameter to 1.)
Command: On Return Online to Data Mode
Values: 0 or 1
Default: None
Description: O0 Enters on-line data mode without a retrain. Handling
is determined by the Call Establishment task. Typical-
ly, if a connection is established, this command
connects the DTE back to the remote modem after an
escape (+++).
O1 Issue a retrain and return to online data mode.
Command: Qn Enable/Disable Result Codes
Values: n = 0 or 1
Default: 0
Description: Q0 Enable Result Codes.
Q1 Disable Result Codes.
Command: Sr=n Set Register Value
Values: r = S-register number; n varies
Default: None
Description: Set value of register Sr to value of n, where n is
entered in decimal format.