Multitech MT5600ZDXV Modem User Manual

Models MT5600ZDX & ZDXV
S6 seconds 2255 2 Sets the time the modem waits
after it goes off-hook before it
begins to dial the telephone num-
S7 seconds 1255 50 Sets the time the modem waits
for a carrier signal before abort-
ing a call. Also sets the wait for
silence time for the @ dial mod-
Register Unit Range Default Description
S8 seconds 0255 2 Sets the length of a pause caused
by a comma character in a dialing
S9 1/10 sec 0255 6 (0.6) Sets the time, in tenths of a
second, that the carrier must be
present before the modem con-
siders it valid and turns on the
S10 1/10 sec 1255 14 (1.4) Sets the time, in tenths of a
second, that a carrier signal must
be lost before the modem discon-
S11 1 ms 50255 95 Sets spacing and duration of dial-
ing tones.
S12 1/50 sec 50255 50 (1sec) Defines the maximum period, in
fiftieths of second, allowed be-
tween receipt of the last charac-
ter of the three escape charac-
ter sequence from the DTE (es-
cape code guard time).
S18 decimal 0255 0 Sets the length of time, in sec-
onds, that the modem conducts
a test (commanded by &Tn)
before returning to the com-
mand mode. If this register value
is zero, the test will not automat-
ically terminate; the test must be
terminated from the command
mode by issuing and &T0 or H
command. When S18 is non-