Multitech MT5600ZDXV Modem User Manual

Models MT5600ZDX & ZDXV
Command: &Dn Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Control
Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3
Default: 2
Description: &D0 Modem ignores the true status of the DTR signal and
responds as if it is always on.
&D1 When DTR drops while in online data mode, the modem
enters command mode, issues an OK, and remains
&D2 When DTR drops while in online data mode, the
modem hangs up (Auto-Answer is encumbered).
&D3 When DTR drops, the modem hangs up and resets as
if an ATZ command were issued.
Command: &En Error Compression, Flow
Control, and Compression {ZDX only}
Values: n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15
Defaults: 1, 4, and 15
Description: &E0 = Normal Mode (no error correction; wont establish-
error-corrected calls)
&E1 = Auto-Reliable Mode (error correction preferred;
permits both corrected and non-corrected calls)
&E2 = Reliable Mode (error correction required; wont
establish non-error-corrected calls)
&E3 = no flow control
&E4 = hardware flow control (CTS on/off and RTS on/off)
&E5 = Xon/Xoff flow control
&E14 = data compression disabled
&E15 = data compression enabled
Command: &Fn Load Factory Default Settings
Values: n = 0 or no value
Default: None
Description: &F0 (or simply &F) Restore factory configuration.