
Chapter 4 - V.22bis Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT2456SMI-22 SocketModem Developer’s Guide 40
S22 - Speaker/Results Bit Mapped Options Status
S22 indicates the status of command options.
Default: 117 (75h) (01110101b)
Bits 0-1 Speaker volume (Ln).
0 = Off (L0).
1 = Low (L1). (Default)
2 = Medium (L2).
3 = High (L3).
Bits 2-3 Speaker control (Mn).
0 = Disabled (M0).
1 = Off on carrier (M1). (Default)
2 = Always on (M2).
3 = On during handshake (M3).
Bits 4-6 Limit result codes (Xn).
0 = X0.
4 = X1.
5 = X2.
6 = X3.
7 = X4. (Default)
Bit 7 Reserved.
S23 - General Bit Mapped Options Status
S23 indicates the status of command options.
Default: 0
Bits 0-6 Not used.
Bits 6-7 Guard tone (&Gn).
0 = None (&G0). (Default)
1 = None (&G1).
2 = 1800 Hz (&G2).
S24 - Sleep Inactivity Timer
S24 sets the length of time, in seconds, that the modem will operate in normal mode with no detected telephone line
or DTE line activity before entering low-power sleep mode. The timer is reset upon any DTE line or telephone line
activity. If S24 is zero, neither DTE line nor telephone inactivity will cause the modem to enter the sleep mode.
Range: 0-255 seconds
Default: 0
S25 - Delay To DTR Off
S25 sets the length of time that the modem will ignore DTR for taking the action specified by &Dn. Its units are
seconds for synchronous modes and one hundredths of a second for other modes.
Range: 0-255 (1 second for synchronous modes 1; 0.01 second otherwise)
Default: 5
S26 - RTS to CTS Delay
S26 sets the time delay, in hundredths of a second, before the modem turns CTS ON after detecting an OFF-to-ON
transition on RTS when &R0 is commanded. Pertains to synchronous operation only.
Range: 0-255 hundredths of a second
Default: 1