National Instruments 1128 Switch User Manual

© National Instruments Corporation G-3 SCXI-1127/1128 User Manual
handshaking the use of two trigger lines between two instruments, such as a switch and
a DMM, to synchronize their actions
hardware-timed scanning the measurement instrument communicates via digital trigger signals
HVAB high-voltage analog bus
Hz hertzthe number of scans read or updates written per second
in. inches
I/O input/outputthe transfer of data to/from a computer system involving
communications channels, operator interface devices, and/or data
acquisition and control interfaces
MB megabytes of memory
matrix superset of multiplexer; consists of connected rows and columns that
allows for a direct connection from any row to any column
multiplexer a switching device with multiple inputs that sequentially connects each
of its inputs to its output, typically at high speeds, in order to measure
several signals with a single analog input channel
NI-SWITCH an IVI-based instrument driver that supports the National Instruments line
of switch cards
PXI PCI with extensions for instrumentation