National Instruments 1191 Switch User Manual

© National Instruments Corporation G-3 SCXI-1190/1191/1192 User Manual
NI-SWITCH an IVI-based instrument driver that supports the National Instruments line
of switch cards
PXI PCI with eXtensions for Instrumentation
RF radio frequency
relay a switch that connects or disconnects the signal to a common through the
physical movement of a metal arm
rms root mean squarethe square root of the average value of the square of the
instantaneous signal amplitude; a measure of signal amplitude
s seconds
SCXI Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentationthe National
Instruments product line for conditioning low-level signals within an
external chassis near sensors so only high-level signals are sent to DAQ
boards in the noisy PC environment
V volts
VDC volts, direct current
Vp-P volts peak to peak