Reference Manual for the ProSafe Network Management System NMS100
Polling and Emailing 4-11
September 2004 202-10058-01
Note: A poll sequence occurs repeatedly every POLL INTERVAL seconds. During each poll
sequence, a poll is sent and a reply expected within the P
OLL TIMEOUT period. If no response is
received during the timeout period, the poll is sent again immediately (retried). During a single
poll sequence, retries will be made up to the value set for P
OLL RETRIES. If the retries all fail then
the poll sequence fails. The P
OLL INTERVAL must then elapse before another poll sequence is
Emailing or Paging Multiple Users
This section shows how to email or page two users when a selection of devices goes down. Please
read and understand section “Emailing or Paging the Administrator on an Event” on page 5-6
before reading this one.
1. First, add a grouped set of users
a. Use the Config/User Profiles menu.
b. Click the Add button.
c. Enter the Name of the new user.
d. Set the user Email address and the user Pager type.
e. Set the email/page days and times.
f. Set the Group1 user alias to SwitchOperators (this
can be any text).
g. Click OK to save the new user.
h. Repeat this process for a different user name,
making sure to set the Group1 value to
SwitchOperators, so that both users have the same
value for Group1 for example, they have the same
2. Next, add the users to Air Messenger Pro
a. To use paging, start the Air Messenger Pro application and add two users with the same
names as those you added to ProSafe NMS.
Do not use Air Messenger Pro groups and do not use the ProSafe NMS Group1 name.
Each ProSafe NMS user must have a matching user name in Air Messenger Pro.
b. Set up the paging/modem options and make sure that you can send pages for each of the
two new users.