4. Scanning
LS-2000 35 mm Film Scanner User’s Guide
✔ Cautions
• Examine the film for use in the SA-20 carefully prior to scan-
ning. Film must be flat or curl slightly towards the emulsion
surface (film should fit in the gauge on top of the adapter). Film
cannot be used in the adapter if:
• there is tape on the film
• the film has been folded
• the perforations have been torn
• the film has been cut on an angle or torn
Film that cannot be scanned in the SA-20 can be scanned in the
MA-20 slide adapter using the FH-2 film holder (see the LS-
2000 Reference Manual).
• Film must be clean and free from fingerprints. In the case of the
SA-20, the presence of dirt could cause damage to the film.
Before scanning, remove dust with a blower and gently wipe off
any finger prints with a soft, dry cloth.
Detailed information on the kinds of film appropriate for use in the
LS-2000 and on inserting film, see the LS-2000 Reference Manual.
Step 5—Choose a film type
In the scan window, select a film type appropri-
ate to the type of film (positive or negative)
inserted in the scanner.
Step 6—Choose a color space
Choose a color space from among those listed
in the color-space pop-up menu. The color
spaces available depend on whether Nikon
Color Management is used; see the software
reference manual for your platform for details.
By default, color spaces of calibrated RGB
(sRGB), CMYK, and HSL are available.