User’ Guide
Enable|disable the CM web access via CPE interface.
¾ web-access cable {enable|disable}
Enable|disable the CM web access via Cable interface.
¾ web-access password
Show web-access password.
¾ web-access password {string}
Set web-access password.
¾ telnet-access cpe {enable|disable}
Enable|disable of telnet-access from cpe.
¾ access-list {1~20|21~40|41~60} {deny|permit} {any|source IP|mac address} [wildcard bit]
The standard access list performs packet filtering based on source IP address from the CPE host(s).
The management access list performs packet filtering based on destination IP address matching the
Cable Router IP address. The standard MAC access list performs frame filtering based on source MAC
address from the CPE host(s). Basically, the access list works as a source address packet filter, if the
access list is empty, the cable router will forward any packet, if access list is not empty, packet filtering
will be enforced according to the access list(s).
1~20, access list ID, for standard IP access list
21~40, access list ID, for management access list
41~60, access list ID, for standard MAC access list
1) Set the access list to permit source IP to access network.
CM>access-list 1 permit
Note: means
2) Set the access list to permit source IP to access cable router (telnet, web-page, snmp)