Network Configuration 29
Option Menu
In the [Option] menu, the following item can be selected:
Help Menu
In the [Help] menu, [About] is available as well as revision information
for AdminManager.
Item Function
Use TCP/IP Protocol If this item is selected, AdminManager uses TCP/IP protocol to
search/configure network interface cards.
If this item is selected, AdminManager uses IPX/SPX protocol to
search/configure network interface cards.
Environment Setup TCP/IP Tab Set broadcast addresses that are used to
search printers using the TCP/IP protocol. If
[Use TCP/IP protocol] is unchecked, the
search will not be carried out using TCP/IP.
NetWare Tab Set network addresses that are used to
search Oki printers via NetWare protocol. If
there any many NetWare file servers on your
network, specify the network address to
which the network card belongs. If [Use
NetWare protocol] is unchecked, the search
will not be carried out using NetWare, but if
[Auto Search] is selected, AdminManager
will search all networks that AdminManager
can detect.
TimeOut Tab [Search Every]: Set response waiting time
from a network card in seconds.
[Time Out]: Set time out between
AdminManager and the network interface
card in seconds.
[Retry]: Set how many times the retry will be
carried out between AdminManager and the
network interface card.