Oki C7500 V2 Printer User Manual

Apple Macintosh 93
The printer supports the Apple Macintosh AppleTalk environment.
This guide is for administrators and it should be read in conjunction
with the relevant Macintosh manual. The latest Macintosh service
packs should be installed.
Supported Versions
All Macintosh operating systems from OS 8.1 are supported.
Printing the Network Interface Card Configuration Sheet
The printer’s configuration page reports information that is required
for Macintosh configuration. To print a configuration page, while the
printer is switched on, depress the NIC’s push-button for three
seconds and then release.
The first six characters of the Ethernet address are the same for all
OkiLAN 8100e type network cards. The last six characters of the
Ethernet address are unique to each card.