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Use the Event Archive page to configure the settings for archiving events.
Figure 23. Event Archive Page
1. From the Setup page, select Event Archive.
2. Select one Archive Method, either Max No. of Records or Time Interval.
• Max. No. of Records: The Gateway system will retain a specific number of event records, then archive them and delete them from
the table.
• Time Interval: The Gateway system will retain event records for a specific number of days, then archive them and delete them from
the table.
3. Enter a numeric value for the selected archive method.
• Max. No. of Records: For example, if you enter 500 records, all event records are archived and purged from the table once 500 event
records are reached. A new table is then created to store up an additional 500 records.
• Time Interval: For example, if you enter 10 days, every 10 days all events are archived and deleted from the table. A new table is then
created over the next 10-day period.
4. Click Apply to save the new information.
Click the Get Status button to view the current status of events pending archival.
Figure 24. Event Archive Status Message
The Event Archive Status page lists the number of recorded events and the time span in which they were recorded. Use this information to
determine the next scheduled archive. If necessary, adjust the current settings to an earlier or later date.