Penpower PCE Trial Scanner User Manual

Chinese Expert
*. Phrase Correction
In Full Screen mode if you wish to enter a common phrase such as an idiom and if you
aren’t sure how to write one of the characters you can substitute a similar-sounding character
instead. If you are not sure of the character’s pronunciation either, choose any at random.
When you have nished scanning a phrase, select the character you are not certain about
and then click the Phrase correction button. The recognition software will examine the
four characters before or after this particular character to guess what you meant and make
the change.
1. When entering an idiom in Full Screen
mode such as
, if you are not
sure of how to write the character
, you
can enter the character
so the input
looks like
2. Rest the cursor over the character
a moment and a menu with the candidate
character displays
. Click the Phrase
correction button and the
ter will be changed to
3. If there are multiple candidate words,
these will be shown in the candidate
words menu for you to choose from. For
example, if the input was
when you hover your mouse cursor over
character, a toolbar with Candidate
characters displays. Select the appropriate
character and click the Phrase correction
button to make the correction.