Penpower PCE Trial Scanner User Manual

Chapter 5 Writing Pad Version
5.9.5 Phrase Correction
In Full Screen mode, if you wish to enter a common phrase (such as an idiom) and if
you are not sure of how to write one of the characters, you can substitute a similar-sounding
character instead. If you are not sure of the given character’s pronunciation either, choose
any at random. When you have nished writing the phrase, select the uncertain character
with the mouse then click the Phrase correction button. The Penpower Jr. will examine
the four characters before or after this particular character to infer the phrase and then edit
the phrase.
1. When entering an idiom in Full Screen
mode such as
, if you are
not sure of how to write the character
, you can write the character
instead to input
2. Hover the mouse on the character
for a moment to display the Candidate
Characters Window. Click the Phrase
correction button and the
character will be changed to
3. If Phrase correction displays multiple
candidate words, these will be shown as
candidate words for you to choose from.
For example, if you wrote
when you hover your mouse cursor
over the
character, the Candidate
Characters Window displays. Clicking
the Phrase correction button displays
a list of all phrase correction candidate
words for you to choose and replace with.