Chinese Expert
3.6.7 Edit Phrase
Click a phrase such as
, then click
the Edit phrase button.
In the Note area, you can provide a note
for a term such as
in the Phrase
Input dialog box.
If there are any words with multiple
pronunciations -
for example has two
options - select the one you want. After
making the change, click the button to
hear its pronunciation.
When nished, click OK.
3.6.8 Delete Phrase
Select a term such as
then click
the Delete phrase butto. Click Yes to
delete the phrase.
3.6.9 Export
Press the Export button and select Export to user dened dictionary. Close the
Please select thewoeds dialog box. All of the selected characters will then be included into
the user dened dictionary. Please reference to 3.5 Automatic Inclusion of All Words.
If the word you want to export to the user dened dictionary is already in the dictionary,
a warning message will pop-up.
You can choose either,
Replace: The new word will overwrite the older word.
Append: The new explanation will be appended onto the old explanation.
Ignore: Keep the old word and explanation.