Philips Semiconductors ISP1362 Linux Stack User’s Guide
UM10012-_2 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. All rights reserved.
User’s Guide Rev. 1.2—July 2003 14 of 34
1. The boot loader boot.bin (from the accelent CD) does not support ISP1362 add-on card. Use the
boot loader from the ISP1362 stack release (/home/1362/AccelentIDP/boot.bin).
2. To load the new kernel and root file system from the development environment, copy the
nk_jffs_flash.bin from the earlier section as nk.bin to the CompactFlash card and boot up the
Accelent IDP. Follow the instructions on the Quick Start Guide IDP for Intel PXA250 Applications Processor
Linux O document for detailed loading/booting instructions.
3. Connect a CompactFlash card (size > 16MB) through the PCMCIA to a CompactFlash adapter. Log on to
the Accelent IDP as root and execute the following command (This is applicable for the demo
environment setup only)
#cd /home/1362/objs
This will make the initial setup for the Accelent IDP for ISP1362 Linux stack. Note that you need to
execute this script for the first time only. Connect the Accelent IDP to the Linux host system as a mass
storage device, and perform the following steps on the host system.
4. Initialize and load the ISP1362 stack on to the target system as outlined in Section 4.2, and connect the
Accelent IDP to the host Linux PC as a mass storage device.
5. Write the following in a temporary file, say TempData, and give the file as an input to the fdisk
The following values are made for an OTG mass storage disk of size 8 MB. Use the following
command on the host PC:
#fdisk /dev/sd[X] <TempData Where [X] could be (a/b/c/…z)
#mkdosfs –I /dev/sd[X]1
6. Unload and close the ISP1362 stack from the target system. Now the target system is ready for use.
3.3. ISP1362 Add-on Card for Intel PXA250 based Accelent IDP (Rev 02)
Accelent Systems developed the IDP - Integrated Development Platform to speed up the embedded device
development cycles. Accelent IDP provides a feature-rich, cost-effective development platform for embedded
device application and product development.