
6 • System Options
System Options Introduction
System options allow you to customise the machine settings for
the way you run your mail and add security to those features that
are sensitive to your organisation. Because of the many options
available, the options are categorised into "Basic", “Scale”, “Data
Centre” and "Advanced".
Basic options include:
Time & Timeouts
Display Contrast
Postage Values
Lock Codes/Passwords
Configure Tape Button
Serial Port
Most of the basic system options are accessed by pressing Options,
then Setup and selecting your choice from the menu accessed by
using Page Up and Page Down.
Scale Options are accessed by pressing the Weigh/Rate key.
Scale options include:
Zero the Scale
Change/Retain Class
Turn Auto Scale (OFF/ON)
Scale Location Code
Advanced options include:
Meter Withdrawal
Run Install Mode
The advanced options are accessed by pressing Options and
selecting "Advanced Features", which displays a further menu of