Media capability 35mm to 4x5 in. format, positive and nagative, mounted and
unmounted transparencies
Maximum scan time 26ms/RGB line
Actual resolution Minimum: 72 dpi; Maximum: 2000 x 4000 dpi
Density range 0.0 – 3.4 OD
Sensor technology Single-pass, RGB CCD
Bits per color 12-bit A/D conversion per RGB; 8-bit or 12-bit output to host
Light source Cold cathode fluorescent
Signal processing Software based, real-time color processing
CCD calibration Automatic white point adjustment and dark field subtraction
Interface SCSI-2 (one 50-pin connector and one 25-pin connector)
Operating voltage Voltage: 100–240VAC; Frequency: 47–66 Hz
Appendix A: Specifications