Chapter 4 System Setup 27
PI-SCX:4096 and PI-SCX:4300 Two barbed 3/8 O.D. coolant ports are located
at the back of the camera. Either port can be the inlet or the outlet. 3/8" ID Tygon
tubing is suitable.
Coolant Temperature: Coolant should be no colder than the following temperatures:
PI-SCX:1300 +25°C. Operating a PI-SCX:1300 camera with coolant at a colder
temperature could cause induced condensation in the electronics enclosure and
possible catastrophic damage to the camera. Damage resulting from this type of
operation may void the warranty.
PI-SCX:4096 +5°C for tapers with ≤ 1.5:1 fiber ratio; +0°C for tapers with
>1.5:1 fiber ratio.
PI-SCX:4300 +5°C.
Camera: The PI-SCX camera receives its power from the controller, which in turn plugs
into a source of AC power.
ST-133: The ST-133 Controller can operate from any one of four different nominal line
voltages: 100, 120, 220, or 240 V AC. Refer to the Fuse/Voltage label on the
back of the ST-133 for fuse, voltage, and power consumption information.
The plug on the line cord supplied with the system should be compatible with the line-
voltage outlets in common use in the region to which the system is shipped. If the line
cord plug is incompatible, a compatible plug should be installed, taking care to maintain
the proper polarity to protect the equipment and assure user safety.
Host Computer
Note: Computers and operating systems all undergo frequent revision. The following
information is only intended to give an approximate indication of the computer
requirements. Please contact the factory to determine your specific needs.
Requirements for the host computer depend on the type of interface, TAXI or USB 2.0,
that will be used for communication between the ST-133 and the host computer. Those
requirements are a listed below according to protocol.
TAXI Protocol:
AT-compatible computer with 200 MHz Pentium
II (or better).
XP (32-bit, SP3 or later) or Vista
(32-bit) operating system.
Princeton Instruments (RSPI) High speed serial PCI card (or an unused PCI card
slot). Computers purchased from Princeton Instruments are shipped with the PCI
card installed if High speed PCI was ordered.
Minimum of 256 Mbytes of RAM.
CD-ROM drive.
Hard disk with a minimum of 80 Mbytes available. A complete installation of the
program files takes about 17 Mbytes and the remainder is required for data
storage, depending on the number and size of spectra collected. Disk level
compression programs are not recommended.