C – Troubleshooting
Useful Programs and Files for Debugging
IB6054601-00 D C-31
It may be useful to keep track of the current version of the installed software. You
can check the version of the installed InfiniPath software by looking in:
Example contents are:
Driver 2.0,InfiniPath_QHT7140,InfiniPath13.2,PCI 2,SW Compat 2
This information is useful when for reporting problems when requesting support.
NOTE: This file returns information on which form factor adapter is installed. The
HTX full height short form factor is referred to as the QHT7040, the HTX
low profile form factor is referred to as the QHT7140, and the PCIe half
height short form factor is the QLE7140. This information will make it
easier for Support to help with any problems.
modprobe Adds or removes modules from the Linux
kernel. Used to configure ipath_ether
module on SUSE.
mpirun A front end program that starts an MPI job
on an InfiniPath cluster. Can be used to
check the origin of the drivers.
ps Displays information on current active
processes. Use to check whether all
necessary processes have been started.
rpm Package manager used to install, query,
verify, update, or erase software packages.
Can use to check contents of a package.
strings Prints the strings of printable characters in a
file. Useful for determining contents of
non-text files such as date and version.
status_str File. Verifies that the InfiniPath software is
loaded and functioning.
version File.Provides version information of installed
software /drivers.
/var/log/messages File. Various programs write messages to
this logfile. Use to track activity on your
Table C-2. Useful Programs and Files (Continued)
Program or file name Function
Use to verify