Raritan Computer KX2-132 Network Router User Manual

Event Management – Destinations
System events, if enabled, can generate SNMP notification events (traps), or can be logged to
Syslog or Audit Log. Use the Event Management - Destinations page to select which system
events to track and where to send this information.
Note: SNMP traps will only be generated if the SNMP Logging Enabled option is checked;
Syslog events will only be generated if the Enable Syslog Forwarding option is checked. Both of
these options are in the Event Management – Settings
To select events and their destinations:
1. Select Device Settings > Event Management - Destinations. The Event Management -
Destinations page opens:
Figure 63: Event Management - Destinations
System events are categorized by Device Operation, Device Management, Security, User
Activity, and User Group Administration.