E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1.0
Chapter 5
Expert Configuration
Virtual Channel
Identifiers (VPI and VCI)
The address format is vpi*vci, e.g. 8*35; or vpi.vci, e.g. 8.35.
VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) and VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) are two parameters
identifying ATM Virtual Channels.
It is the responsibility of the network operator to provide end-to-end connectivity
throughout the network on these virtual channels. Due to regional differences or
because of the specific policy of your local operator, specific VPI/VCI values may be
required. In this case, the network operator, ISP or corporate administrator will
provide the correct values.
The VPI can range from 0 to 15, VCI from 32 .. 511.
QoS Book The QoS Book table displays following parameters:
The name of the new QoS entry.
The name of the Connection Traffic Descriptor (CTD) for the transmit
(upstream) direction.
The name of the CTD for the receive (downstream) direction.
Interfaces The Interfaces tab allows you to configure:
The name of the ATM interface to be configured.
The WAN destination for this ATM interface. Typically, an ATM phonebook
QoS name:
The name of the Quality of Service (QoS) book entry to apply on this ATM
The type of encapsulation to be used for this ATM interface. Choose between:
llc: Logical Link Control (LLC) / Sub Network Access Protocol (SNAP)
vcmux: Virtual Channel MUltipleXing (VCMUX).
auto: the SpeedTouch™ will determine the encapsulation method to use.
Number of retries:
A number between 0 and 65535. Represents the number of times the
SpeedTouch™ retries to set up a WAN connection before giving up.
Enable or disable the inclusion of the Ethernet Frame Check Sequence (FCS) in
the packet header on the WAN side (only used for llc encapsulation for mac).
This parameter is normally left disabled.