Runco VX-33i Installation/Operation Manual 63
RS-232 Connection
and Port Configuration
To interface the VX-33i with a home theater automation/control system or a PC running
terminal emulation software, connect it to your control system or PC as shown in Figure
3-15. Use a null-modem cable.
If you are using a PC to communicate with the VX-33i:
1. Start a terminal session on your PC using a terminal-emulation program, such as
2. Configure the PC serial port as follows: no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no flow
control. Set the baud rate to 19200, to match that of the VX-33i RS-232 port.
3. Press <Enter>. You should see a command prompt (>) in the terminal window.
4. Type a command from among those listed in Table 6-1 and press <Enter>.
Serial Command
• Commands are in ASCII format and are not case-sensitive; on and ON are equivalent.
• For a command that takes no parameters, type the command followed by a carriage
return; for example, to turn on the system, type ON<Enter>.
• For a command that takes a parameter, type the command, one or more spaces and
the desired value followed by a carriage return; for example, to switch to the S-Video
input, type SSRC 1<Enter>.
• When you enter a valid command, the VX-33i executes it. When you send an on/off,
input selection, aspect ratio or image preset command, the VX-33i also responds with
an acknowledgment on the command line. For example, when you issue the command
SAR 2, the VX-33i responds with Letterbox on the command line.
• When you enter a misspelled or otherwise invalid command, the VX-33i ignores it and
responds with Invalid Command on the command line.
• When you send a command followed by values outside the valid range for that
command, the VX-33i ignores it and responds with Invalid Parameter on the
command line.
• When the VX-33i receives an OFF command, it will not acknowledge or execute any
commands for approximately 90 seconds afterwards. This is to prevent hot re-strikes
of the lamp, which can damage it.
• After sending an ON command, allow at least 30 seconds for the projector to warm up
before sending another command.
6. Serial Communications