Sam4s ER-390M Cash Register User Manual

ER-390M Program Mode Programming 89
Program 100 – PLU Status Programming
1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 1 0 0, press the SBTL key.
0 SBTL01
3. Select the PLU or PLUs you wish to program in one of the following ways:
Press a PLU key on the keyboard, or
Press the first PLU keys that are to receive the same status and Press the
last PLU keys, or
Enter up to 14 digit number of the PLU and press the PLU key, or
Enter the PLU#,
up to 15 digits
Enter the number of the first PLU in a range of PLUs that are to receive the
same setting; press the PLU key. Enter the last number in the range;
press the PLU key.
Enter the PLU#,
up to 15 digits
Enter the PLU#,
up to 15 digits
4. Refer to the “PLU Status Chart” to determine the values for N1 through N9.
(If an address offers more than one option, add the values for each option and
enter the sum. For example, if you wish the PLU to be taxable by rates 1 and
3, add the values for your choices, 1 + 4, and enter the sum “5” for address
N5.) Enter the values you have selected, press the X/TIME key. (You do
not need to enter preceding zeros. For example, if you are only selecting a
value for N9, i.e. auto tare by number 1, just enter 1.)
N3N2 N1 N4 N5 X/TIME N6 N7 N8
5. To program additional PLUs, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH key to
finalize the program.