Savin 7700W All in One Printer User Manual

Operation Panel
Function indicators
These indicators show which setting you
are currently editing, Press the Function
key to cycle through them.
The top indicator (Paper Length indi-
cator) lights when the paper length is
being set.
The middle indicator (Leading Edge
indicator) lights when the leading
margin is being set.
The bottom indicator (Copy Counter
indicator) lights when the number of
copies is being set.
2. Paper Length display
Shows the length of paper the Roll Feeder
will send.
3. {
{Preset Cut}
} key
Press to scrolls through the preset paper
lengths for the Roll Feeder.
4. {
{Cut Select}
} key
Turns Semi synchro Cut or Preset/Varia-
ble Cut on and off.
Energy Saver indicator
Shows that the machine is in a state of
wait (Energy Saver). Press key 9.
Troubleshooting indicators
P.61 “Troubleshooting” for details.
7. Wait indicator
Shows that the copier is not yet ready to
Ready (d
d), Set Original(R
R), Set
Paper (K
K), Bypass Select (a
a) indica-
When Ready indicator lights up, you can
set paper.The Set Paper indicator on the
left lights, and then Bypass Select indica-
tor goes on.
9. {
{Clear Modes/Energy Saver}
} key
Cancels all of current settings. When you
hold down this key for three seconds or
more, the copier enters the Energy Saver
mode allowing you to conserve power.
To exit Energy Saver mode, press this key
10. {
} key
Allows you to recall or set a program.
The program indicator(LED) lights after
you store the setting.