Individual clerk report
All clerk report
Clerk name
Clerk code
Paid total
Order total
Paid total average per
transaction counter
Order total-paid total
Refund counter and total
Item void counter and total
Void-mode transaction
counter and total
Void mode item
counter and total
Subtotal void counter
and total
Transacion counter
PBAL counter
Cash in drawer
Check in drawer
Cash + check in drawer
Change total for check tendering
Starting cash memory (+)
Starting cash memory (-)
Starting cash memory total
Cash counter and total
Check 1 sale counter and total
Credit 1 sale and tendering counter and total
Exchange 1 cash counter and total
Received-on-acount counter and total
Paid-out counter and total
Exchange 1 check counter and total
Exchange 1 credit counter and total
* When you take a Z report, “Z1” is printed instead of “X1.”
The subsequent printout occurs in
the same format as in the individual
clerk report from the clerk #1.
In the all clerk report, the total sales
of all clerks are also printed.
* When you take a Z report, “Z1” is
printed instead of “X1.”